
Single-sex education?

Single-sex education, also known as single-gender education, is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools.

They were more popular decades ago, there are still some schools and institutions that believe it's better for children to share with same-sex peers.

Pros and cons? Read this!: Single-sex education: Pros and Cons.

 What do you think?

Check the "Your choice section", choose the kind of education you're in favor of:

a. single-sex schools
b. mixed education
c. single-sex classes in a mixed school
d. two single-sex schools that work together.

Write a short comment as a reply to this post. Use the appropriate expressions and examples to support your arguments. 

Listening skills need to be mastered with P R A C T I C E.

Listening and speaking is crucial for communication. Being able to listen to our interlocutor, responding, etc. Not only for our class, but for real life!

It's usually one of the struggles of language learners, but not everyone is aware of the fact that 'Practice makes perfect', and in our particular non-bilingual setting it makes it necessary to create and promote opportunities for practicing and reinforcing our ability to attain and understand the language at a normal speed, to get the most of the messages, and to be able to respond in a real-life communicative situation.

Need more reasons?... check this out! (click on THIS)

Here there are some links to practice!

Randall's Listening Lab

FCE - Listening practice 

PET - Practice tests (Listening)

TOEFL Listening practice 

IELTS Essentials - Listening practice