
Roswell? What happened?

Like all good UFO stories, there is always the event that triggered the imagination. The Roswell story is no exception...

Leave your comment and tell us what happened in Roswell!


SeCoNd cOndiTiOnAl gAmeS!

Game 1!

"What would you do QUIZ"


What are UFO'S? The Unidentified Flying Objects is the popular term for any aerial phenomenon whose cause cannot be easily or immediately determined.

They are often related to extraterrestrial life, aliens and creatures. But do they really exist?

Let's have a glimpse of information that may tell us a bit more about that!


The best UFO pics ever taken!

UFO game!


Do you believe in 'Blind Dates'?

Do you like chatting or social networking? Do you like meeting new people? How about dating someone you don't know?
That's a blind date! Would you give it a shot? Don't be afraid and let us know what you think! :)

KET Practice!

KET Practice test

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VoCaBuLaRy qUiZzEs!

Self-study vocab quiz

Learning vocabulary fun!

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Video & Listening :)

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Randall's ESL Listening Lab

Videos & Exercises

Some nice exercises!







The Italian Man Who Went to Malta

A very cool video... how important it is not to mispronounce! LoL

Everything new!

A cycle has been closed, a new shining light brights upon, this is the new me! Hehehe... new challenges, new oportunities, new goals! Let the game begin!! :)