
Adolescents 12 - Nov 23rd

๐Ÿ˜€ Hi guys! ๐Ÿ˜

To finish this unit's work, you'll find two activities to be done.

The first one is a short pop quiz you can answer here---> 

It's important you answer the questions using the time alotted. This quiz won't be available once the class is over! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

The second activity is a short text you'll write, based on the draft you did last class. Read the instructions and guidelines here--> 
You'll have time for this task until Nov 29th at night! ⏰


Multimedia session - Course 6 (Children) Nov 19th, 2016

Hi everyone! ๐Ÿ˜

Welcome to our multimedia session for this term ๐Ÿ˜ƒ  During this hour we're going to review and practice some of the contents we have seen in class ⭐ , and we will do a couple of activities to reinforce our skills! ♛

Follow the steps ➡ ask your teacher for help if necessary, and have fun!

1. Watch the following video about the present simple. Take notes if necessary, pay attention to all the elements and rules.

2. Look and read Sandy's daily schedule.

Now click here → Sandy's daily routine to answer some questions about her activities. Remember to answer all of them. Don't forget to write your name! ๐Ÿ˜Š

3. Look at the following presentation about means of transport ๐Ÿš™  Check the words! ๐Ÿšฆ

4. It's vocabulary quiz time! ๐ŸšŒ  Click on the red car and answer the questions ⇾ 
5. Watch the following video about clothes and vocabulary.

Watch it til the end and then click here → Teddy dresser and play a game about clothes ๐Ÿ™‹

6. Let's make our e-corkboard! Click here → Clothes board!. Find an image in the internet of a person wearing different kinds of clothes. Find the link of the image and and post it on the corkboard. Then describe the person's look with "She has / he has ...". Look at your teacher's example and make yours! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

๐Ÿ˜„ You're done! ๐Ÿ˜„

You have finished all the activities, 

now you can have some fun and learn 

in these two links! ๐Ÿ˜„↴

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✨   ✨ 



Superstition is the belief in supernatural causality—that one event causes another without any natural process linking the two events—such as astrology and certain aspects linked to religion, like omens, witchcraft, and prophecies, that contradict natural science.

I bet you have something 'silly' or 'unexplainable' you believe in! 

Read about 13 (common) superstitions--> click here :)

There are always superstitions connected to culture or local beliefs, do a quick research on an unusual or uncommon belief from any place in the world. Write about it (90 words at least), and post a comment below. Due date: August 23rd


Single-sex education?

Single-sex education, also known as single-gender education, is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools.

They were more popular decades ago, there are still some schools and institutions that believe it's better for children to share with same-sex peers.

Pros and cons? Read this!: Single-sex education: Pros and Cons.

 What do you think?

Check the "Your choice section", choose the kind of education you're in favor of:

a. single-sex schools
b. mixed education
c. single-sex classes in a mixed school
d. two single-sex schools that work together.

Write a short comment as a reply to this post. Use the appropriate expressions and examples to support your arguments. 

Listening skills need to be mastered with P R A C T I C E.

Listening and speaking is crucial for communication. Being able to listen to our interlocutor, responding, etc. Not only for our class, but for real life!

It's usually one of the struggles of language learners, but not everyone is aware of the fact that 'Practice makes perfect', and in our particular non-bilingual setting it makes it necessary to create and promote opportunities for practicing and reinforcing our ability to attain and understand the language at a normal speed, to get the most of the messages, and to be able to respond in a real-life communicative situation.

Need more reasons?... check this out! (click on THIS)

Here there are some links to practice!

Randall's Listening Lab

FCE - Listening practice 

PET - Practice tests (Listening)

TOEFL Listening practice 

IELTS Essentials - Listening practice 


1C Multimedia session (May 7th)

Hello and welcome to the multimedia session for level 1C. Follow the instructions and work on the activities here.

Click on the corresponding links once you have completed the activities. 

1. Check the following presentation about countries and nationalities.

Countries and Nationalities from Marybelosorio

2. Play a game about countries and nationalities!


3.  WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? (countries and nationalities)





Watch the video and do the exercises here: CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEOS AND ACTIVITY. 


2C - Multimedia session (May 5th and 7th)

Hello!  Welcome to this multimedia session.

 We're going to practice and have some fun activities to reinforce out classes. Let's start!


 2. Watch the video and pay attention to the vocabulary and expressions:

3. Play a game about food vocabulary! Click here!

4. How about a nice HANGMAN round?

Click here to play a vocabulary game to practice words about food and drinks!

5. Read the text about Jonathan's favorite food

Now, write a similar paragraph to talk about your favorite meal. Send it to your teacher to lblanco1@eafit.edu.co