
Multimedia session - Aug 16th (Teens 7)

Hi everyone!

Today's class is all about art!

Let's start by defining what ART is all about ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Painting is one of the most well-known art expressions, to learn some about the most famous art pieces, let's play a memory game here. Click on the painting icon!

Image result for painting icon

- Now, let's listen to short passage about a person telling his impressions on art, so click on the icon:

Related image

Once you've listened to the passage, click on the arrow to answer some questions related to it. Don't forget to follow the instructions:

Image result for small arrow icon
Ready to move on? AWESOME :) 

The last task has to do with creating based on one of the most famous expressions of art: click on the link and let's make our own gallery!

Image result for art gallery icon

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