You've probable faced this situation many times. Anywhere, anytime it's really easy to find someone who we don't really get along with. How to deal with that kind of issue which actually becomes a real nightmare when it affects our welfare in our job, studies or even family?
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I think that you have to be friendly with all people, but you don't have to be over-friendly because it can turn into something repulsive.
If you don't get along with anybody in your job, you should try to forget those things that annoy you while you are in the office; it's important to behave like a professional person, and be careful not to drop a hint to that person.
And if you are planning to stay in that job for a considerable time, take one opportunity to talk with the person who annoys you, because you can't be with bad mood all the time.
Try to smile and do not prejudge anybody :)
Like the text says, you can find that situation anywhere, anytime, but, you should always tolerate that person, be underestanding and kind. If you can`t stand that, you must talk to him or her and express your opinions or your feelings. But, if this doesn`t change, you can only ignore and avoid that person.
I think that It's important to realised if the reason why you don't like that person is or isn't a big deal, but if you relised that it's a big deal start by avoiding that person, and if it's impossible you should make an effort being nice but be careful not to overdo it. It's necessary to resist the temptation to talk about the way you feel with someone who migth know the person.Finally, always remeber to smile and on that way you're never gonna be the hated one. :)
I think what makes the difference in relationships is the attitude that we show to the other person.
When you meet a person you must be open minded and keep in mind than every single human being is unique in the universe.
That is such a powerful tool for dealing with eccentric people or maybe people that just have different thoughts.
It's true we sometimes have problems with other people but always remember we are all different and you won't never find someone same as you. If you want to overcome these kind of situations, think about the qualities the another person has. Take every opportunity to highlight his/her skills but be honest. Talk always with the truth. If you really can't stand the situation try to avoid him/her and take it easy! be happy!
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