
Multimedia session - Children 9

Dear student,

In this entry you will find a series of activities to practise your English during this 1 hour multimedia session. Follow the instructions carefully .)

1. Kitty's school day--> 

Click on the link, do the activities PREPARATION, VIDEO and GAME:

2. Simple past verb games:

3. Following directions:

3. Talking about the past: 


Multimedia session - Teens 15 (Language In Use)

Dear student,

In this entry you will find a series of activities to practise your English during this 1 hour multimedia session.  Each link will open in a new tab. You can go back to this blog page to move on and do all the activities. 

1. Read the following text (you can find it on p.358 of your textbook too). 

                 Once you've finished reading, click on the image below 
and respond the questions :)

2. After the previous exercise, 
you know what the next topic is about, right?

Let's study PRESENT REAL CONDITIONAL, also known as Zero Conditional. Go over the links below and find out about the rules and some additional exercises. 


If you've already finished working on the previous activities, you can now have a look at this review section from the topics that have been previously studied during this course.


Multimedia session - Lesson 4.3 (Course 8 Adults)

Today we'll have a series of activities aimed at having a closure for unit 4, based on the importance of sharing thoughts, opinions, and creating sustainable projects that help out our communities.

1. ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY; Choose one of the sites, explore the information and check on the different issues or problems that are presented:

· SCP Now http://scpnow.org/

· 9 Great Urban Ideas from Latin American Cities: https://www.americasquarterly.org/content/urban-catalog

· Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative https://unfccc.int/climate-action/momentum-for-change/lighthouse-activities/emerging-and-sustainable-cities-initiative

2. Identify one of those issues in Medellin, Find pictures on the web or use some you have and briefly describe the problematic. Make a slide that explains what the problem and send it to your teacher to her e-mail: lblanco1@eafit.edu.co

Prepare to present it during the next hour.

3. Choose people that thought about a similar problematic. Design a sustainable project or proposal that can easily be implemented as an alternative or solution to that issue.

4. Share that project with, at least, 5 people outside of the class. Use a hashtag, make an Instagram account, a digital poster or a short video, You should provide evidence of it.


Multimedia session - Aug 16th (Teens 7)

Hi everyone!

Today's class is all about art!

Let's start by defining what ART is all about ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Painting is one of the most well-known art expressions, to learn some about the most famous art pieces, let's play a memory game here. Click on the painting icon!

Image result for painting icon

- Now, let's listen to short passage about a person telling his impressions on art, so click on the icon:

Related image

Once you've listened to the passage, click on the arrow to answer some questions related to it. Don't forget to follow the instructions:

Image result for small arrow icon
Ready to move on? AWESOME :) 

The last task has to do with creating based on one of the most famous expressions of art: click on the link and let's make our own gallery!

Image result for art gallery icon


Teens 5 - Multimedia session

Hi there :)

Today, we're going to take have a practice session in order to prepare for our MID TERM exam (next Tuesday, Nov 7th).

Follow the steps IN ORDER and finish the proposed activities. If you have some doubts, just Google it (or ask your teacher)!

          1.  Open conditional - Exercise 1 (click on the blue arrow

2. Ready? Don't need to practice? Let's see! Click on the pink arrow and solve the OPEN CONDITIONAL quiz :) 

           3. Listening to future predictions - Future cities (click on the green arrow)

4. POP QUIZ!!!!  Click on the yellow arrow and respond the questions. Make sure you save your answers.


Teens 3 - Multimedia session:


The main objective of this class is talking about comparisons, and learning some vocabulary about animals.

1. Read the following text about a particular species that was used for solving a problem in Australia. Then, click the link and do the reading activity!

READING ACTIVITY :) (Click on the words, use room code BLANCO2615)

2. Watch the following video about SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES 

3. Click on the link and do a quick exercise about superlatives. When you finish, take a screenshot of your score and show it to your teacher (don't forget about that!) :) 

SUPERLATIVE EXERCISE (click on the link)

4. Do you know which are the most dangerous animals in the world? Google some information, find a picture and make a post here--> MOST DANGEROUS ANIMALS. Choose the one you like the most, and write a couple of facts to explain why it's dangerous.

5. Ready to finish? Now get in the link to play a game about COMPARATIVE and SUPERLATIVE adjectives here (click on the link) ZOO ANIMALS!


Multimedia session (05-09-17)

Hi there!

First of all, make sure you have your class book and a notebook ready for the activities.

All the products of this session will be graded and aim at having extra practice of class topics and a reinforcement of the different contents we've studied so far.

1. Take a look at the following video about count and uncount nouns. Once you're done watching it, complete the questionnaire on the link below:

QUESTIONNAIRE (click there on the link).

2. What's in your fridge?

Go to the link MY FRIDGE and talk about the food that can be found in your refrigerator at home. Listen to your teacher's comment, click on REPLY and record your own comment mentioning the food you have at home. Don't forget to save it!

3. Countable and uncountable nouns rally! CLICK HERE--> Rally :) :) :) 

4. CHECK THIS PADLET! (click here)